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Anita Li

Av Inglaterra 3100, Vallarta Poniente, 44110 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico


Catering / Delivery

Smoothie / Juice Bar

About the business listing

Anita Li, nestled in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, isn't just a restaurant; she's a culinary narrative that intertwines the flavors of Asia and Mexico, weaving a tale of experimentation and creativity. Born around the time when I Latina was six years old, her name itself is a palindrome, a playful nod to her predecessor, I Latina, spelled backward. But Anita Li isn't just a mirror image; she's a fresh perspective, a new chapter in the culinary journey

The essence of Anita Li lies in her adaptability, her ability to embrace the spirit of the day, to capture what's vibrant and fresh. The owners, fueled by a relentless passion for culinary innovation, continue to push boundaries in the kitchen. They welcome friends and diners with the same warmth and dedication, now extending their culinary prowess into the daylight hours, offering a menu that echoes the essence of I Latina but with a new interpretation.

While I Latina exudes cosmopolitan sophistication under the cloak of night, Anita Li shines with a different light just 30 meters away. Here, in an open and airy space adorned with light colors and soft music, Anita Li embodies a more relaxed and playful ambiance. Her menu boasts dishes and cocktails designed to celebrate the joy of the day, marking a transition from sophistication to freshness, from experimentation to play.

But who is Anita Li, really? Is she a character, a girl, Mexican, Chinese? In truth, she's all of these and none at the same time. She's the embodiment of the bright and relaxed side of I Latina, a gastronomic, familial, and aesthetic project that has left an indelible mark on the cityscape for over 15 years. Anita Li is not just a continuation but a new beginning, with her own unique story to tell, a story that speaks of evolution and reinvention in the ever-changing culinary landscape of Guadalajara.

How to get there

Av Inglaterra 3100, Vallarta Poniente, 44110 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico